diff --git a/vue/Vue中的数据代理.html b/vue/Vue中的数据代理.html
index d01f779..49246e5 100644
--- a/vue/Vue中的数据代理.html
+++ b/vue/Vue中的数据代理.html
@@ -1,11 +1,40 @@
学校名称: {{name}}
+ 学校地址: {{address}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/全员营销奖励.py b/全员营销奖励.py
index 25652f5..20dc863 100644
--- a/全员营销奖励.py
+++ b/全员营销奖励.py
@@ -1,30 +1,77 @@
+import textwrap
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
+import pandas as pd
+def add_text(text_item):
-def add_text(image, font_path, save_name):
- # 打开图片
- image = Image.open(r"D:\下载\员工奖励bg.png")
+ for key, value in text_item.items():
+ i = 1
+ for text in value:
+ if type(text[0]) == str:
+ image = Image.open(r'D:\cori\员工奖励bg1.png')
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
+ font_path_title = r'D:\onedrive\Documents\WeChat Files\fumeng0108\FileStorage\File\2020-05\思源黑体(7款)\思源黑体(7款)\SourceHanSansCN-Bold.otf'
+ font_path_content = r'D:\onedrive\Documents\WeChat Files\fumeng0108\FileStorage\File\2020-05\思源黑体(7款)\思源黑体(7款)\SourceHanSansCN-Regular.otf'
+ font_size_title = 36
+ font_size_content = 25
- # 创建一个可编辑的图片副本
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
+ font_title = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_title, font_size_title)
+ font_content = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_content, font_size_content)
+ i += 1
+ # print(text)
+ # print(text[0])
+ # print(text[1])
+ # print(text[2])
+ # print(text[3])
+ # print(text[4])
+ # print(text[5])
+ save_name = key + text[0] + str(i) + '.png'
+ print(save_name)
+ # 获取文本大小
+ text_width1, text_height1 = draw.textsize(text[0], font_title)
+ text_width2, text_height2 = draw.textsize(text[1], font_content)
+ text_width3, text_height3 = draw.textsize(text[2], font_content)
+ text_width4, text_height4 = draw.textsize(str(text[3]), font_content)
+ text_width5, text_height5 = draw.textsize(str(text[4]), font_content)
- # 设置要添加的文本
- text = "手机银行"
+ # 计算文本的位置使其居中
+ image_width, a = image.size
+ text_x1 = (image_width - text_width1) / 2
+ text_x2 = (image_width - text_width2) / 2
+ text_x3 = (image_width - text_width3) / 2
+ text_x4 = (image_width - text_width4) / 2
+ text_x5 = (image_width - text_width5) / 2
- # 选择字体和字号
- font_path = r"C:\Users\Cori\OneDrive\Documents\WeChat Files\fumeng0108\FileStorage\File\2020-05\思源黑体(7款)\思源黑体(7款)\SourceHanSansCN-Bold.otf"
- font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 36)
+ # 在图片上添加文本
+ draw.text((text_x1, 19), text[0], font=font_title, fill="#AA1017")
+ draw.text((text_x2, 186), text[1], font=font_content, fill="#FAC79B")
+ draw.text((text_x3, 346), text[2], font=font_content, fill="#FAC79B")
+ draw.text((text_x4, 505), str(text[3]), font=font_content, fill="#FAC79B")
+ draw.text((text_x5, 664), str(text[4]), font=font_content, fill="#FAC79B")
+ # text_width = 22
+ # wrapped_text = textwrap.wrap(text[5], width=text_width)
+ # pos = (36, 868)
+ # leading = 42
+ # for i, line in enumerate(wrapped_text):
+ # draw.text((pos[0], leading * i + pos[1]), line, font=font_content, fill="#FAC79B")
- # 获取文本大小
- text_width, text_height = draw.textsize(text, font)
+ # 保存修改后的图片
+ image.save(r"D:\cori\员工营销" + "/" + save_name)
- # 计算文本的位置使其居中
- image_width, image_height = image.size
- text_x = (image_width - text_width) / 2
- text_y = 19
+def get_data(file_path):
+ # 读取Excel文件
+ excel_data = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name=None)
- # 在图片上添加文本
- draw.text((text_x, text_y), text, font=font, fill="#AA1017")
+ # 将每个sheet的数据转换成字典
+ data_dict = {}
+ for sheet_name, sheet_data in excel_data.items():
+ data_dict[sheet_name] = sheet_data.values.tolist()
- # 保存修改后的图片
- image.save(r"D:\下载\员工营销\1bg.png")
\ No newline at end of file
+ return data_dict
+ # print(data_dict['全员'][0])
+file_path = r'D:\cori\2024年全员营销奖励一张表 - 营销助手展示-拆分.xlsx'
+text_item = get_data(file_path)
+add_text(text_item, )
\ No newline at end of file